HVAC Performance Forensic

HVAC Performance Forensic

– Temp + RH Controller

– High Intensity Airside Air Handling

– Air-conditioning Challenges – SLE & Nett Zero Energy Building

How we do it?


Implement the active redundancy chiller concept. Initially – 4 chiller to a plant room, Now only 2 x chiller with redundancy still prevail within the operating Chiller.


Required to have a closed-controlled AC system 24/7 – We design & built at percentage of cost and deliver within the existing airside system & within budget.


We Take Advantage The Affinity Law In both Our Pumping Design And Operations. We Deliberately Used This Advantage And More.


The Chilled Water Loop Is Also A Closed Water Loop, Thus It Present Us with its Unique Advantage. By Improving The Loop, We Are Able To Enhance The System


In The Chilled Water Closed Loop, We Opted For A Full Closed Loop Concept To Take Advantage Of Pressurisation, Degassing, De-aeration And NPSH Of The Closed Loop System.


In The Condenser Water Open Loop Layout, We Structured The Piping Layout To Enhanced The Optimal NPSH To The Pumping System


The Condenser Water Loop Is Also An Open Water Loop, Thus, It Also Present Us with its Unique Specific Advantage. By Improving The Loop, We Are Able To Enhance The System


We Question The Capability Of The Cooling Tower To Perform At Part Load! We Ensure That Our Designed Cooling Tower Work As Good At Part Load And At Full Load


In Our Intent To Reduce The Pressure Drop In the Pipework, We Used The Concept Of ‘Pigging’ To Select Our Valves To Lower The Pressure Drop Within The Chilled/Condenser Water Piping Layout.


Maintenance Are Essential Part Of An Operations. With The Lack Of Available Manpower, Our Plant Are Design With All These In Mind. No Stoppages Needed For Maintenance, Disruption Of Operation & Not Time Sensitive.


What’s The Best Layout For Both The Chilled water Pumps and Condenser Water Pump that Allow You To Take Advantage Of The Fan Law?


In Approaching Nett Zero Or Super Low Energy Building, We Need To Work As An Eco-System In Order To Reap Maximum Benefit From Design And Operation Of The System

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